I wish I knew then, what I know now.

This is how it really goes, you really never get where its taking you, the darkest days, the changing seasons, they always lead you to where you're thinking, its always like this, since childhood, I never understood that concept, but I was really suspicious of what it was, now I realize, I see
this is where the dark path leads you, where the rock bottom takes you, Life takes you away from home, away from beloveds, to something better, there is a good sequence of rhythmic waves,
you're maybe lost, afraid, you think its the end of your life, the end of the good in your life, but by then after the dark nights pass, you will come to the light, to the secret behind the misery, you will never get it, you're apart but into another better station, it really happens for a reason, this is the secret of life, the power of a thought, that you do create, and shine.

You live and you take what people give you, many kinds of music, their taste, their lyrics, after hating memories they created with you, the moments they shared with you because of those songs, you learn to pick and choose your own music, your own taste, your lyrics, with a smile from the inside of your soul.
there is always a power in thoughts, a stronger power within your own self. by the time you realize this, you can live, not a happier person but rather in-paradise-person .
loving yourself, the way it should be!
life goes on and for a BETTER reason it does, another station to land on, it will take you and it might break your heart, but at the end you will realize there was always something behind it.
never lose hope, never stop believing in yourself, because you are the power to change, to live, to carry on, to create, and to live better. you are your own thoughts. therefore you'd better choose them right.
life usually happens, but its created for powerful hopeful people.
hope, believe and you will manifest. and each another station you will be taken to, will lead you to a better one, the thing is you will never understand at the heat of the moment, so don't stumble, don't fall, or you may do them, and waste your time, on the other hand you have another choice, you have to accept and deal with it as a station -even it was the worst ever- that will lead you to a better place.

this is it, this is life.


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